Upcoming Seminars
Dentistry LIVE 2014, QEII Conference centre, Westminster, London
Friday, 13th June 2014
Dr. Arun Darbar
Lasers - A Current Perspective
Lasers are the only technology with widespread application in routine and advanced dental procedures since the development of the air turbine, however the dental profession is often sceptical if this technology is safe and effective. This presentation shows how Lasers have been a part of our daily practice for over 20 years, and can no longer be ignored as it is one of the most advanced and patient friendly tool a dentist is likely to own. This interactive presentation will encourage thought provoking elements, clinical case studies and will highlight the benefit of using a laser for both the practitioner and the patient. Along with scientific background to optimise patient care, safety and most importantly taking your clinical skills to the next level!
Learning objectives:
- What laser wavelengths mean
- How to choose a laser
- What can it do for my practice
- Laser education and regulations
- Improve treatment outcomes with reduced complications
Dentistry LIVE 2014, QEII Conference centre, Westminster, London
Saturday, 14th June 2014
Dr. Arun Darbar & Dr. Rita Darbar
How to make a Laser work for your practice – Hands on Session
This session will demonstrate the various ways a laser can be beneficial to your practice and your patients. Increased accuracy, faster healing, reduced infection and comfort for the patient are all benefits of having lasers in dental practice. This will be a hands on demonstration on how to use a laser and give you the opportunity to have a 'play' with them yourself. This session will also show newer applications of the laser and aims to show how laser assisted protocols can be applicable to almost all of your routine dental procedures.
Learning objectives:
- How to use a laser
- The difference between hard and soft tissue lasers
- How to choose a laser
- Laser safety requirements
- Return On Investment
Saturday, 26th July 2014
Maximise your Laser Potential
Location: TBC
10:00AM – 4:00PM (approx.)
This is for intermeadiate level laser users, ideally for practioners that already have at least one laser in their practice. The seminar will cover the next step in your dental laser education, how to maximise the potential of your laser making your routine and advanced treatments more effective and productive for both practitioner and patients. Reaching higher levels of ROI and broadening your horizons with laser applications.
Saturday, 18th October 2014
Low Level Laser Therapy/Photo Biomodulation
Location: TBC
10:00AM -4:00PM (approx)
This is for intermediate/advanced laser users, ready for the next step in enhancing patient care. Low Level Laser Therapy or Photo biomodulation is a technique in which exposure to low-level laser light or light emitting diodes stimulate cellular function leading to beneficial clinical effects. This includes pain management following dental procedures, the enhanced recovery period for trauma and treatment of oral lesions.
Saturday, 1st November 2014
An Introduction to Lasers in General Dentistry and Orthodontics
Location: TBD
10:00AM – 4:00PM (approx)
This is an introductory, covers the scientific background of lasers in dentistry, benefits of using lasers in practice for both practioners and patients, laser assisted procedures in general dentistry and Orthodontics, laser safety and hands-on session. By the end of this seminar you will have a clear understanding of Lasers in Dentistry, their application, how they can be introduced your practice and have hands-on experience using one.
Recent Past Events
Sunday, 19th May 2013
SOLA (International Society for Oral Laser Applications)
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Pre-conditioning and Low Level Laser Therapy in Dental Practice.
The next level in standard of care for your patients. Presented by Dr. Arun Darbar.
An Introduction to Lasers in General Dentistry and Orthodontics Sat 10th November and Palm Springs conference in Feb 2013
Saturday 9th Febuary 2013
Academy of Laser Dentistry annual conference 7th-9th February, Palm Springs, CA, U.S.A
Presented by Roberta Chow, Rita Darbar, Arun Darbar
Pain Management and Mechanism for Pain Relief in Everyday Dental and Medical Practices
Oral pathology and conditions of the oro facial complex affects most of the population at some time during their lifetime associated with pain.
Inhibitory effects of lasers on nerves, including nociceptors, has been clearly delineated in experimental models and provides a mechanism for clinically observed analgesia. This includes nociceptive pain of surgery and trauma as well as in neuropathic pain conditions such as trigeminal and post-herpetic neuralgia.
The anti-inflammatory effects of laser irradiation are now well documented and suppression of neurogenic inflammation is a component of this.
Chronic pain states with tonic nociceptive input and central sensitization, LLLT suppresses input in peripheral nerve terminals (skin and mucus membranes), resulting in down regulation of the nociceptive pathways of the pain “matrix”, i.e. spinal cord and cortex.
An Introduction to Lasers in Dentistry and Orthodontics presented by Dr. Arun and Dr. Rita Darbar at Smile Creations Dental Innovations.
Saturday 10th November 2012
Topics that were covered:
- Scientific background of lasers in dentistry
- Benefits of using lasers in your practice for both practitioner and patients
- Hard and soft tissue laser applications
- LIVE procedure using the laser
- Hands-on session to allow you to have a play/experiment
- General dentistry procedures – laser assisted
- Orthodontic procedures – laser assisted
- Which laser do I buy?
To view some images from the seminar/workshop flick through the gallery
Lasers and Ozone use in Dentistry
Thursday 29th March, 2012 at 1:30PM
Bedfordshire Local Dental Committee presents the Fourth Annual Study Day for Dental Practitioners at The Mansion House, Luton Hoo, Luton, Bedfordshire
Dr Arun Darbar will be speaking on “Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Dentistry.” The presentation will cover the use of both hard and soft tissue lasers, ozone and PDT for procedures ranging from simple restorations to advanced complex cases to deliver the highest standard of care that our patients can expect. Technological advances have pushed our boundaries further and the limit to which they can be utilised will be discussed. This will cover procedures on patients of all ages from 8–80 years old
2012 Academy of Clinical Technology Laser Education Essentials, Perio & Endo
Friday 17th February – Sunday 19th February, 2012
Laguna Hills Marriott Resort & Spa, Dana Point, California, USA
Invited guest speakers Drs. Rita and Arun Darbar presented Low Level Laser Therapy for trauma cases. They presented a selection of cases who suffered a trauma whilst still undergoing their regular Orthodontic treatment. The use of soft tissue lasers to manage the trauma effects and the increased outcomes, specifically towards pain management and faster healing/recovery were discussed and displayed.
“Let's Talk Lasers” – An Introduction to soft tissue laser applications
Saturday 29th October, 2011
Watford, Hertfordshire
Dr Arun Darbar recently held a bespoke hands–on laser training course for Discus Dental for their new NV Microlaser. The course covered soft tissue applications and was a general introduction into the use of lasers in general dentistry.
To view some images from the seminar please click here
Courses - Quick Guide
- Dentistry LIVE 2014 - 13th June 2014
- Dentistry LIVE 2014 - 14th June 2014
- Maximise your Laser Potential - 26th July 2014
- Low Level Laser Therapy/Photo Biomodulation - 18th October 2014
- An Introduction to Lasers... - 1st November 2014
Course Objectives
- Understanding laser efficacy
- Successful tissue interaction
- Techniques for success with soft laser surgery
- Laser periodental therapy
By the end of the session participants will have a good understanding of what role a laser could play in each of their practices.
To book your place:
call 0800 032 3005 or fill out the form below.