Your Smile… Our Creations – Protect your investment!
Your Oral Hygiene routine is the most important home care protocol you can commit to, to keep your smile looking and feeling healthy and beautiful.
Whether you have never had any restorative or aesthetic treatment done or if you have just completed a full reconstruction, maintaining you oral hygiene at home and seeing your dentist for routine examinations and regular cleaning appointments is very important.
A good oral hygiene routine should idealistically include brushing your teeth for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing, use of a non-alcohol mouthwash and cleaning / scraping your tongue, twice daily – morning and night.
Prevention rather than cure is always the best policy and keeping your teeth free from decay and cavities by making sure you implement your oral hygiene routine effectively to remove the debris and bacteria that cause decalcification, decay and bad breath is your first line of defence. This will not only help prevent the need for fillings and restorative treatment but also help prevent serious periodontal (gum) problems causing you to loose your teeth through the loss of bone and gingival attachment.
Smoking is a big oral hygiene no no. As well as carrying the risk of oral cancer smoking can cause advanced periodontal problems leading to the loss of teeth.
Being careful with your diet and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks is a simple healthy way to help avoid unnecessary problems that could be both painful and costly to fix.
Regular dental examinations and oral hygiene assessments are invaluable in ensuring that you keep your beautiful smile!
Your oral hygiene home maintenance and care is the most important part of your daily dental regime, it protects what you value greatly and with regular and efficient preventive care you can keep it for ever. A small check list on diet and healthy eating habits and a regular oral hygiene maintenance programme and you have got it made.
Enjoy what you treasure the most ‘Your Smile… Our Creations’!!