Smile Makeover

PhotoI’ve been attending Smile Creations Dental Practice for numerous years, many occasions it’s felt like my second home…

Anyone who is thinking of paying a visit to Smile Creations, i’m sure will find it a pleasurable experience. I now have the smile i’ve always dreamed of, and i’m able to smile with confidence.”

– Vanessa Turney : View patient’s letter

This is a case of gross tooth decay and breakdown due past sweet tooth habits at an earlier age. The patient is now totally reformed with excellent oral hygiene and regular maintenance.

Treatment provided included a complex range of basic restorative, endodontic, periodontic, gum recontouring and surgery. All of which were laser assisted. Along with a combination of crowns, bridges and selective laser whitening procedures.

Before After

Before After

Before After

Before After

Before After

Before After

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